Four Industrial Engineering students and members of ICSE, Ashley Morris, Brennan Ayres, Thomas Noonan, and Hamed Salehi won a major challenge April 11 at the Improving Primary Care through Industrial and Systems Engineering (I-PrACTISE) conference in Madison, WI. 

. The team competed against University of Wisconsin and received a $1,200 cash prize.

The challenge involved creation of a computer application that helped facilitate shared decision making between physician and patient over prostatic specific antigen (PSA) screening. 

I-PrACTISE is an educational and research collaborative between the University of Wisconsin Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, and the Departments of Family Medicine and Community Health, Medicine, and Pediatrics of the School of Medicine and Public Health. I-PrACTISE gives a formal structure and home for activities which have been ongoing since 2000.